Welcome to SOTS Bible Institute

Welcome to SOTS Bible Institute

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Announcement -Affiliate Staff


Attention: Affiliates 

If you would like to download any or all of Harvestime courses that we use, you can do so by clicking the link below and make as many copies as you choose to. http://harvestime.org/english-curriculum/

However, if you want to purchase any of the materials in book format, please know it will be at your own expense. In order to reduce our overhead costs, we are only able to download materials or send link to individual students with access to a computer, laptop or tablet.  

Please be aware that our courses are mostly geared towards online students. Books on the Harvestime website range from $16 to $24 per book. You can buy books on their bookstore page.  All other materials are found on school's website/student portal for download.  All affiliates are able to utilize the materials on our website or Harvestime website for their church or ministry members at your designated facility.   Please review our affiliate page #4 and #5 (under benefits).  


Monday, May 20, 2024

Changes to our certificate issuance process

 Hi all, please note that effective Monday, 4/22/2024, we have a new feature on our student portal (https://sword-of-the-spirit-bible-institute.coursify.me/) whereby students are now able to download a certificate of completion for single courses ONLY automatically.

So, if you are interested in a particular course, for example, Basic Bible Survey -New Testament, and do not want to take the entire certificate program that requires you to complete five courses for a certificate in Biblical and Theological Studies, you can now take the one course by signing up for it on the student portal and beginning your studies.
Upon completion, you click on the certificate, and one will be system-generated for you. The process of issuing certificates after completion of an entire program remains the same and the processing time is 3-5 working days.
If you have any questions about that, do not hesitate to reach out to our enrollment training team @ training@swordofthespiritbibletraining.org or sosmbibletraining@yahoo.com

SOTS 5 Years in Ministry


Sword of the Spirit Bible Institute will be Celebrating in September five years of Christian Ministry Training. The Lord has indeed been faithful. Showing gratitude to all who have supported the ministry in one way or the other. The Lord God continues to stand by you and bless the works of your hands.

SOTS is looking forward to another 5 years in training and discipling others for the work of the Kingdom.

New YouTube Channel

 Hi all, please subscribe to our newly created YouTube channel. Over time, we will continue to upload new video posts containing teaching messages/courses to our channel. God bless you all!

Subscribe and Share!!

 SOTS YouTube Channel

New Certificate Programs


We are pleased to introduce to you 3 New Certificate Programs!!
Certificate: Fundamentals of Christian Mental Health Coaching
Certificate: Foundations of Prophetic Ministry Training
Certificate: Counseling God's Way II- Addiction Ministry - (This course is for lay counselors or biblical counselors desiring to support individuals in their churches and communities struggling with addictive behaviors/addictions).

If interested in any of these FREE courses, do click on the link below to register.

New Training Centers in Zambia


To God be the glory, SOTS Zambia have opened up 2 additional training centers. We have face to face learning holding in the towns of Chilanga and Choma.  Another training center is scheduled to open up soon in Livingstone.

More centers to come in Nigeria, Namibia and other regions. 

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JULY Quarterly NewsLetter

 Happy Friday Everyone!  We have our 2nd newsletter issue out for the quarter of July -Oct.  Our next issue comes out in November.  Stay Tun...